Experiencing intrusive or scary thoughts after having a baby can be deeply unsettling and confusing. Many moms wonder if they’re alone in feeling this way or worry about what these thoughts mean. But here’s the good news—you’re not alone. Many new moms experience postpartum intrusive thoughts—unwanted, vivid mental images or “what if” fears that feel […]

Guides & Resources, Postpartum Healing

Experiencing Postpartum Intrusive Thoughts? Here’s Why They Happen and How You Can Manage Them


How to Beat Postpartum Anxiety Hey there, I’m Amy Chouinard. 👋 I’m a licensed mental health counselor, and for the past 18 years, I’ve specialized in helping women navigate postpartum mood disorders, fertility challenges, and loss. It’s truly been a passion of mine, working alongside hundreds of mothers as they travel through the beautiful (and […]

Health & Wellness

Take Control of Postpartum Anxiety

Feeling Stuck?  Let's Fix That.

Sign up now and receive my weekly blogs on postpartum anxiety, depression, and emotional well-being—all designed to help you feel lighter, calmer, and more in control.

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    How Long Does Postpartum Anxiety Last? Understanding the Timeline and Recovery Process Postpartum anxiety (PPA) is an increasingly recognized mental health condition that affects many new mothers. It’s common to feel worried, stressed, and overwhelmed after childbirth, but for some women, this anxiety can persist beyond what’s considered typical. Understanding how long postpartum anxiety lasts […]

    Postpartum Healing

    How Long Does Postpartum Anxiety Last?

    Woman sitting by a window, curled up with her knees drawn to her chest, appearing deep in thought or emotionally distressed
    lonely sad female


    Discover practical strategies that new mothers can use to regain emotional control and reduce anxiety. From mindfulness and deep breathing to creating soothing routines, this guide offers actionable tips to help you feel calmer, more grounded, and empowered as you navigate postpartum anxiety. Learn how to manage your mental well-being with simple exercises, journaling, and support systems, while also focusing on what you can control.

    Postpartum Healing

    Managing Postpartum Anxiety

    Feeling Stuck?  Let's Fix That.

    Sign up now and receive my weekly blogs on postpartum anxiety, depression, and emotional well-being—all designed to help you feel lighter, calmer, and more in control.

    Don’t let overwhelm keep you stuck.
     Get actionable tips, expert insights, and powerful tools delivered straight to your inbox.


      Struggling with postpartum anxiety doesn’t mean you’re failing as a mother. In this guide, learn practical tools like mindfulness, self-care, and setting realistic expectations to help you regain control of your mental health. Explore how to manage anxiety, seek support, and reconnect with your identity, all while embracing the journey of motherhood with confidence.

      Postpartum Healing

      How to Manage Postpartum Anxiety Without Feeling Like You’re Failing

      Woman stressed

      This FREE guide will help you gain practical, research-backed strategies that will help you regain control, reduce overwhelm, and start feeling like yourself again—without the constant struggle of navigating these challenges alone.

      5 Proven Methods to beat Postpartum Depression & Anxiety