services & details

Repetitive thoughts and mental images related to your baby can be very upsetting, you may find yourself doing things over and over again to reduce your fears and obsessions, fear being left alone with your child or be extremely overprotective. Learn healthy and effective ways to respond to your obsessive thoughts without resorting to your compulsive behavior.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

It is essential that your recovery from Bipolar Disorder include medication management from a psychiatrist. Therapy will help you learn to cope with problems it has caused in your life, repair your relationships, manage stress and regulate your mood. We will explore and educate you about bipolar disorder in order to prevent complications and manage your symptoms. Exploration of your current lifestyle and maintaining regular sleep, avoiding drugs and alcohol, exercising, minimizing stress will be discussed along with developing a strong support system.  

Biopolar Disorder

Examine how your anxiety and depression impacts your relationships and your well-being. Identify key support systems you need in your life and learn effective ways to obtain what you need. Explore your habits of thinking and behaving that contribute to your moods and develop healthy thoughts and behaviors. Learn effective relaxation techniques to cope with situations that are causing your anxiety and depression.

Anxiety & Depression

Explore your own values of parenting and how attachment and bonding impacts your child from infancy to adulthood. Discuss your fears and anxieties to help you foster and develop strong attachment based parenting skills.

Attachment & bonding

Being a teen is hard enough and becoming pregnant adds additional stressors and anxiety, especially managing taking care of yourself along with keeping up with school and friends. Together we will explore what parenting means to you, discuss the transition into motherhood, maintaining and embracing relationships, and your own feelings regarding your pregnancy

Teen Pregnancy

For some, the birthing experience can be rather traumatic, or your expectations of the birth process were not as you had hoped and dreamed. Grief, sadness, anxiety, and trauma may result. Exploring these feelings encourages healing and growth and may help you reframe the experience to make it a more positive event.

birth trauma

Infertility can affect all aspects of life, leading to anxiety, guilt, loneliness, or anger. Counseling can help manage the stress of medical treatments, navigate uncertainty, or explore if fertility treatment is the right choice for you. Emotional challenges can sometimes impact fertility, and processing these feelings in therapy may naturally support the process. I received training at the Domar Center for Mind/Body Health with Alice Domar, author of Healing Mind/Healthy Woman.


Losing a child anytime during pregnancy or after birth is a traumatic experience which requires a great deal of time to grieve. Not only is it a physical loss, but a loss of hopes, dreams and wishes. There are times when you feel alone, depressed, sad, envious, jealous, shameful or guilty. We will process your grief in a supportive, safe, and nurturing environment.

Grief & Loss ~
Infertility, Miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal loss

Acknowledge your own adjustment into motherhood and how it has changed your definition of self, changed your identity, and impacted your relationships and life as you once knew it. 

postpartum adjustment

Explore the changing moods, feelings and emotions related to becoming a new mother and recognize when it's more than just the "baby blues". Learn how to regain control and feel like yourself again.

Perinatal Mood & Anxiety disorders

How to Check Out-of-Network Benefits:

Have Your Info Ready: Before calling your insurance company, have your member ID, name, and date of birth handy. It's helpful to have your insurance card available for reference.

Keep a Record: Write down the number you called, the representative's name, the date, and any notes or reference numbers from the call.

Get a Live Rep: Choose the option for benefits or eligibility and try to speak with a live representative.

Ask About Out-of-Network Benefits: Let the rep know you are “seeking out-of-network benefits for outpatient psychotherapy services.” Make sure to clarify that you're not asking about medical or inpatient services.

Provider Credentials: If asked, you can inform them that your provider is an LCMHC (Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor) or a LICSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker).

Check Coverage Codes: Ask if the following procedure codes are covered under your out-of-network benefits:

90791 (Intake session)
90837 (50-minute session)

Reimbursement Process: Find out what steps are needed to get reimbursed. Ask if you'll need to submit a form, letter, or receipt, where to send it, and how long you have to submit (typically 90-365 days).

Payment: Clarify that you will pay the provider upfront, and confirm that reimbursement will be sent directly to you, not the provider.

Senior Specialist Therapist: $250 for 50-55 minute session
Associate Therapist:
 $175 for 50-55 minute session.
Licensee Associate Therapist:
(M.A. working towards licensure supervised by Senior Therapist): $115 per 50-55 minute session
Intern Therapist:
(Completing Graduate Degree in Counseling supervised by clinical director): $95

out of network

out-of-pocket fees

We understand that navigating payment for mental health services can feel overwhelming, which is why we strive to make care as accessible as possible. We do accept some insurance plans to help reduce costs for our clients, but we are also out-of-network with other providers. If you are looking for flexibility, privacy, and the freedom to choose the best therapist for your specific needs, paying out-of-pocket may be a valuable option.

While insurance can ease financial burdens, it often comes with limitations that affect the quality and depth of care. By paying privately, you have the freedom to select a therapist who aligns with your unique needs and goals, without the restrictions of an insurance network. This allows for a more personalized and meaningful connection that can enhance the therapeutic experience.

Additionally, private payment ensures your mental health journey remains confidential, as no formal diagnosis or personal details need to be shared with third parties. This level of privacy allows you to focus fully on your healing without concern over what is documented in your medical records.

Insurance may also limit the number of sessions or types of therapy they deem "medically necessary." Paying out-of-pocket grants you the flexibility to determine your own pace and treatment duration, so you can receive care that meets you where you are.

We’re committed to offering you the best care, whether through insurance or private pay, and we’re here to help you make the choice that feels right for your needs and healing journey.

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Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to go through it alone. Whether you're dealing with postpartum struggles, fertility challenges, or loss, we're here to support you in finding peace, healing, and strength. You deserve to feel heard and healed.

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This FREE guide will help you gain practical, research-backed strategies that will help you regain control, reduce overwhelm, and start feeling like yourself again—without the constant struggle of navigating these challenges alone.

5 Proven Methods to beat Postpartum Depression & Anxiety